Trauma Informed Resources

Human Informed

What it means to be trauma informed

Understanding that trauma is inherently part of the human experience for many, and that it profoundly impacts people's lives and relationships in ways they are not always conscious of. Being trauma-informed means having empathy and awareness that behaviors, emotions or vulnerabilities often communicate deeper wounds more than personal weaknesses. It involves providing a non-judgmental, safe container where people feel heard and supported in their journey without being defined by their trauma.

A trauma-informed approach recognizes how trauma survives in both the body and psyche, and respects that healing happens gradually through compassion rather than coercion or shame. The overall aim is empowering personal empowerment and growth rather than retraumatization.

“Being trauma-informed embraces the understanding that deeper healing arises through creating safe spaces where one feels seen, not just for their struggles but also their inherent worthiness, strength and capacity for empowered self-determination.”
~ Veronica Lynn Clark