“Supposing suddenly by some kind of diabolical magic, I could say, “zzzzzip”
And everyone of you would stay the same age forever. You’d be like Madame Tussaud’s waxworks. It’d be awful! In a thousand years from now what beautiful hags you would be”
As spoken by the Universe:
Why do you resist change when it is inevitable? Why do you want to hold me to be the same as I was yesterday? Don’t you know I can never be the same? I am changing always just as the changing of the tides. No moment, no wave is ever the same and can never be replicated.
So let that version of me go.
Do not suffer through trying to hold me.
I was never meant to stay.
It’s difficult to think of letting someone or something go without having some sense of sadness or nostalgia. It’s best to not be caught in those trappings. Choose to see the sadness as there to remind you of the love you experienced. Hold the love and let go of all else.
We will all go.
We are all just passing through and none of us will stay.
Our marks, our words, how we touched each other may last longer but it is only because our impact was so great that we sent ripples so large that they continued on.
Some of the ripples people make are small in comparison to others and there is no judgement in that it simply means some impact is bigger than others. But you see, it is through the impact that we make while we are alive that let’s others know that we lived and if the impact is big enough there is no reason to live forever because our message will be carried on through the lives we have touched.
So do not long for things to stay the same. Long to live now while you have the chance. And then find new ways to expand towards the mysterious gaze of the horizon for which you do not know what awaits on the other side.
xoxo Veronica