What People Say About My Class:
Participants in my Eight Desires Journaling class have shared remarkable insights and transformations. They’ve found that journaling is a powerful tool for self-discovery and healing. Many have said that this class has helped them unlock emotions, understand their inner desires, and create a sense of clarity and purpose in their lives.
Why People Journal:
People journal for various reasons. Some do it to process emotions like anger or grief, finding it cathartic to express these feelings on paper. Others use journaling to document happy moments, creating a tangible record of joy and gratitude that they can revisit. Journaling helps many manage stress, develop a deeper understanding of themselves, and improve their mental well-being.
Why People Want to Journal:
Many people are drawn to journaling because they recognize its potential to transform their lives. They want to establish a habit of self-reflection and personal growth. Some are looking for a way to connect more deeply with their inner selves, set and achieve goals, and break free from limiting beliefs and patterns. They seek the clarity and empowerment that comes from putting their thoughts and feelings into words.
Participant Testimonials
"I feel like I just opened my mind to something I didn't even know was going on. I didn't realize this was such an issue. It really built my awareness." - Participant
"I feel like I’m not in touch with my feminine energy. When you brought in somatic movement into the process to bring the mind and body together, that's when I started crying in class. It was a really hard time for me but I feel like I had a breakthrough." - Participant